Storms, The Island, and Rainbows to Frame! 9/25/14

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The house is silent as I begin to write today.  Ted left early this morning to check on the beach house, and even though we’ve talked probably five times in the six hours he’s been gone, it’s just toooo quiet around here with him away.  Bear and Maddie are curled up sleeping and seem annoyed when I insist they go outside occasionally for a potty break.  They obviously think their dad is a lot more fun than I am because the only time they’ve perked up was at lunch, when they figured they’d get the leftovers of my turkey sandwich – which they did.

It wasn’t too silent a few days ago though.  We had quite a storm blow up out of nowhere here at the ri’vah.  One moment there was a dark cloud to the west, and the next moment 60 mph straight line winds were howling through the pine trees.  Lots of limbs and tree branches down here at the rental, but two doors down – at our old house – one of the huge old pines was uprooted . . .

. . . and fell across the new fence they'd just put up between them and the park.

. . . and fell across the new fence the new folks had just put up between them and the park.


Of course, it could have been worse.  So thankful the tree fell on the fence instead of across the house!

Of course, it could have been worse. So thankful the tree fell on the fence instead of across the house!  It always amazes me how shallow the root systems are on these decades-old pine trees.


The island weather has been alternating between rainy/dreary and sunny/beautiful this week, and folks have continued to share some amazing photos!

Just at sunrise on the last day of summer - near Mission Point Resort (Photo: Clark Bloswick)

Just at sunrise on the last day of summer – near Mission Point Resort (Photo: Clark Bloswick)


One of the sunny days!  Taken from the porch of the Yacht Club by David Rowe - and featuring his beautiful Golden Retriever Skyla - on the sidewalk to the right.

One of the sunny days! Taken from the porch of the Yacht Club by David Rowe – and featuring his beautiful Golden Retriever Skyla – on the sidewalk to the right.


Island kids given Blaze a bath on a recent Fun Day Sunday.  (Photo: Leanne Brodeur)

Island kids giving Blaze a bath on a recent Fun Day Sunday at the Mackinac Island Equestrian Center. (Photo: Leanne Brodeur)


Getting ready for Fall at the Seabiscuit Café.  (Photo: Jill Sawatzki)

Getting ready for Fall at the Seabiscuit Café. (Photo: Jill Sawatzki)


Renovation of the Silver Birches main lodge has begun, starting with the massive front porch.  (Photo: Liz Ware)

Renovation of the Silver Birches main lodge has begun!. (Photo: Liz Ware)

This morning - from the Mackinac Island Public Library back porch. (Photo: Jill Sawatzki)

This morning – from the Mackinac Island Public Library back porch. (Photo: Jill Sawatzki)


One of the rainy days - perfect for geese!  (Photo: Jill Sawatzki)

One of the rainy days – perfect for geese! (Photo: Jill Sawatzki)


Little six-year-old Anna, a member of the island Giddy-Up-and-Go program, leads Fiona back to the barn.  (Photo: Leanne Brodeur)

Little six-year-old Anna, a member of the island Giddy-Up-and-Go program, leads Fiona back to the barn. Loving her boots! (Photo: Leanne Brodeur)


Good friend Denise - outside the Lenox on Market Street.  The flower baskets are still going strong!(Photo: Jill Sawatzki)

Good friend Denise – outside the Lenox on Market Street. The flower baskets are still going strong!(Photo: Jill Sawatzki)

Love this Mackinac story: On his way to work this week, someone told Robert McGreevy they’d spotted a tinier-than-usual hummingbird on the fence going up Fort Hill and thought it looked sickly.  Robert found it and took it to work with him.

He held it in his hand, warming it up, and then fed it some sugar water.

He held it in his hand, warming it up . . .


. . . . and then fed it some sugar water.

. . . . and then fed it some sugar water.


After a little time, the small bird seemed to perk up, and it was released.

After a little time, the small bird seemed to perk up, and it was released.


When last seen, the hummingbird was sitting perched in a tree,about to fly away and do what hummingbirds do!

When last seen, the hummingbird was sitting perched in a tree,about to fly away and do whatever hummingbirds do!  (All hummingbird photos: Robert McGreevy)


Sunrise this morning.  (Photo: Patrick Conlon)

Sunrise this morning. (Photo: Patrick Conlon)


Thank you, thank you for sending in your “Framing Rainbows” submissions!  I happily share these today, and I’m hoping this becomes your online spot to let our little Bree’s Blog family know the RAINBOWS in your life that brought a smile to your face this week!

Trey Rackley (son of Traci)

From Traci Rackley (Tennessee): Son Trey competed in the National Spotted Saddle Horse Show and won World Grand Champion in his class for pleasure horses. “He fell in love with horses when he was three, and the rest is history,” says Traci.  Congratulations, Trey!

David Burkhart (Ohio): Hi Brenda, this hydrangea was given to me as a newly rooted cutting.  A coworker gave it to me before I retired because we share a common interest in gardening.  Now, it reminds me of Sharon and her kindness.

From David Burkhart (Ohio): “This hydrangea was given to me as a newly rooted cutting. A coworker gave it to me before I retired because we share a common interest in gardening. Now, it reminds me of Sharon and her kindness.”  Beautiful, David, and I love the ferns and big stones also!


Kem & Ed Green (Iowa):  "Our son James and his wife Carly just announced they are making us first-time grandparents in May, 2015!"

Kem & Ed Green (Iowa): “Our son James and his wife Carly just announced they are making us first-time grandparents in May, 2015!”  Hmmmm, Kem and Ed – how does that fit into your annual May visit to Mackinac Island?!


Michigan Pam (Livonia, MI):  My summer has been pretty boring without my Mackinac Island trip, so it doesn't take much to make it exciting; like riding my bicycle on a totally reconstructed major freeway. Yep. That's it! The Michigan Dept of Transportation opened it up for pedestrian traffic for 2 hours on Sunday. The freeway, I-96, has been under construction since April and wasn't scheduled to reopen until mid October. Our Governor, Rick Snyder, made a surprise announcement on this "Family Fun Day" that it would reopen the next day, a month ahead of schedule. So I, along with thousands of others, rode our bikes, walked, skateboarded, whatever, on a major interstate freeway. When can a person ever do that! It did rain a little and the Rainbows were seen in all the smiles of the people that were having fun. 

From Pam (Livonia, MI): “My summer has been pretty boring without my Mackinac Island trip, so it doesn’t take much to make it exciting – like riding my bicycle on a totally reconstructed major freeway. I-96 has been under construction since April, but opened on Monday, a month ahead of schedule.  Our Governor, Rick Snyder, made a surprise announcement to open the highway up for pedestrian traffic for two hours on the Sunday before it was to open to motorists . . .



. . . so I, along with thousands of others, rode our bikes, walked, and skateboarded on a major interstate freeway!  When can a person ever do that?!  It did rain a little, but the RAINBOWS were seen in all the smiles of the people that were having fun!”  How fun was that! What a great idea!

Lisa Foose (near Cleveland, Ohio):  My husband sold his race car and is putting that money towards getting my (first) car back on the road.  It’s a 1974 Cadillac that has been sitting for over 10 yrs.  It’s the car we got married in and brought our daughter home from the hospital in.

Lisa Foose (near Cleveland, Ohio): “My husband sold his race car and is putting that money towards getting my (first) car back on the road.  It’s a 1974 Cadillac that has been sitting for over 10 yrs.  We honeymooned in that car, sped to the hospital at 100 mph when I was in labor in that car, and brought our daughter home from the hospital in that car!  I cried when he told me he was going to use his race car money to fix it up for me.”  Way to go, MR. Foose!!


(Late Thursday afternoon)

Did I just hear Dad's truck?

Did I just hear Dad’s truck? (I hate to tell them, but it was just the mail truck.)

Have a great weekend, y’all, and send me some more RAINBOWS to frame!  God bless. 

20 thoughts on “Storms, The Island, and Rainbows to Frame! 9/25/14

  1. What a great post! Loved all the cute stories in the “framing rainbows” section. Glad that tree didn’t fall on any houses! We’ve had the best weather week here with sunny skies and warm temps that are suppose to continue into next week. Wish it would stay this way all fall!

  2. Wonderful rainbow stories!! Congrats to Trey on the awesome win! (We have a SSH…that’s my avatar). Julie and I leave from Tallahassee tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m.!! Our riding boots are packed and we are ready for some fine dining. (Note to self: next time stay somewhere where you don’t have to “dress” for dinner. Takes up too much space in my suitcase!). Mackinac Island, HERE WE COME!!!

  3. OMGosh, I love the framing rainbow stories…so cool! Of course, it goes without saying that I love any and all of the island pictures and stories, Oh ok, I’ll say it. I love it! 😉 The picture of six year old Anna and her horse is just too cute.

  4. Great blog! Beautiful pictures! Thank you, Robert, for saving the little Hummingbird. Thank you, Bree, for using my Rainbow story. There are so many ways to announce a pregnancy and I love this one. Congratulations!

  5. The winds must have been bad! Glad that no one was hurt. Beautiful pictures as always and a lot of pictures from Mackinac too. Can’t wait to see finished pics of your new home.

  6. Excellent post! Really enjoyed all the pictures. How bout that Silver Birches getting a face lift. All the stories and photos were just great this week.

  7. I was working around the corner from you’ll at Dan-O’s when the storm hit and have never driven in rain like fell on the South end of Flintside. Rain, hail and wind really made driving slow for a couple of miles. One report was 2” in twenty minutes.

  8. Silver Birches is looking great! Our family used to always call it “The Haunted House” every time we biked past it, LOL! Happy to see it will be restored to it’s true beauty soon! LOVE LOVE LOVE the hummingbird story! That is so awesome! That totally could have fit the “Framing Rainbows” section too! 🙂 Thanks to all the readers for submitting their “rainbows”…I loved reading about and seeing each of them! How awesome! Thanks for writing your blog Bree…it’s always a bright spot in my day when you post each new entry! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. We leave for Mackinac Island tomorrow!!! Am so excited I can hardly contain myself. Looking forward to some rest and lots of walks!! I love the idea of the rainbow stories. Our Yorkie crossed the rainbow bridge 3 weeks ago. It seems so odd not to be greeted at the door – that’s one thing about animals, they are always happy to see you. And my lap will not be as warm this winter. But he is in a happy place now and free of pain!!

    • So sorry to hear about your fur baby, Jeani. It’s so hard to lose them.
      Enjoy your Mackinac stay. I hear the weather is perfect!


  10. Great photos and great stories! So glad the storm didn’t damage where you were staying and happy Ted is taking care of business saving you a trip.
    Bruce and I arrived on Mackinac Island this morning and we are experiencing a magnificent sunny and warm day! so happy to be back. We went down to J.L.Beanery after checking into our hotel, The Iroqoius and who do we run into…Skyla and her owner. Funny, since you had a picture of her on your blog today.
    Well, we did a lot of walking and after lunch I’ve got the ice pack on my knee, but feeling terrific. No better place to recuperate than here. Wishing you, Ted and your fur babies were here, but we’ll hope to see you next year. Take care and stay well!

    • That’s awesome, Joleen! Enjoy your stay, but don’t overdo it on that knee your first day out! Glad the weather is good for y’all!


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